Museum & Education
The Museum Room on Dereham Station is open most days when timetabled MNR trains are running. Browse through a selection of local and regional railway exhibits and - if you wish - talk with the steward who will be on duty there.
Our aim is to tell the story of this railway line from its opening in 1846 right up to the present day, with the help of the additional items displayed in the café seating area. That said, the whole railway is really a working museum, with sights, sounds and smells evocative of the 1950s and 1960s under the nationalised British Railways.
The Museum is run by the MNR's Heritage and Education Team.
Besides the museum work, we also:
Provide free activity sheets for young visitors to Dereham Station.
Work with schools, colleges and other museums.
Regularly provide speakers for clubs and other groups. We offer a range
of general interest railway-related talks. Specialist talks are also possible,
in conjunction with other MNR teams.
Please direct enquiries to museum@mnr.org.uk