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Replacement for unavailable 37800 "Cassiopeia"

BR Class 37 - 37608

English Electric
Vulcan Foundry
Build Date
13 July 1961
Original Number Held
In Service
Current Number Held
37 608

British Railways Class 37 Diesel-Electric


The British Railway Class 37, also know as English Electric Type 3, is a class of diesel-electric locomotive that was built by Vulcan Foundry & Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns between

1960 - 1965, a total of 309 were produced. 


The class was built to be able to easily work passenger trains including the "high" speed Intercity services predominantly within the Eastern Region with freight workings across the rest of the country. They soon became a common sight across the whole country with the majority being allocated to Cardiff Canton, Thornaby & Landore. They quickly became on of the mainstays of the BR fleet and quickly earnt their reputation has powerful and reliable class of locomotive. After the privatisation of the railways many freight & charter companies bought Class 37s from BR which help in turn help to contribute to the Class 37's becoming one of the longest surviving classes to date and to be one out of only two classes of locomotive to have never official fully withdrawn from mainline working.


Out of the 309 built 102 are still active today, with 35 being preserved across Britain's Heritage Railways and 67 still being used by mainline operating companies. 

© 1995-2024 The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust (MNRPT). The MNRPT is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, registered in England, trading as Mid-Norfolk Railway (MNR). Company number: 3037014. Charity number: 1046931. VAT registration number: 665793581.
Registered office: The Railway Station, Station Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DF. Privacy policy. Terms & Conditions. Original website design template by Heritage Publicity

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